Plant Based

#EssentialRecipe => Chocolate Milk

Jake came back from school the other day and requested to try some chocolate milk! Because I don't like feeding her processed sugar, I decided to try and make some myself. Turns out it couldn't be simpler.

And she absolutely loved it! This version is not sweet like what you find in stores so feel free to change for sweeter chocolate if you prefer.


-Almond milk (recipe here if you haven't try making it yourself yet)

-70% dark chocolate chopped in smallish pieces (make sure you buy a non dairy...

#EssentialRecipe => Homemade Almond Flour

I have been making my own almond milk for quite sometime now and felt uncomfortable every time I was throwing away the pulp left after filtering the milk. I knew I wanted to figure out a way to reuse this nutritious left over, but kept pushing it to another day on the count of being too busy....

What a shame!! 

Seriously, the only ingredient required is the left over pulp and what's even better, is that Miss J loves to spread the crumbs herself so my kitchen is entirely clean by the time she's done!
