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Entrées — chicken breast

#EssentialRecipe => Grilled Chicken Breasts In Beet Ketchup Marinade


This June’s CHEF’S BOX™  from is curated by Hawksworth Restaurant. Order to get our new Beet Ketchup and this recipe, as well as four other amazing BC artisan products and recipes from Hawksworth Chef de Cuisine Chris Stewart.


Grilling Marinade Ingredients:

-1/2 Cup Jonny Hetherington Essentials Beet Tomato Ketchup

#EssentialRecipe => Lemon Thyme Chicken Breast

This is hands down my favorite way to serve a chicken breast for sharing at a party or enjoying on my own.

Cover a chicken breast with plastic wrap and smash with the bottom of a cast iron pan until the fatest part of the breast is the same thickness as the thinest part.

This will help you cook the entire breast evenly.

Season with sea salt and cracked pepper.

Heat a cast iron pan to medium, add a little avocado...