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Breakfasts — Condiment

#EssentialRecipe => Spring Frittata

One of my favorite ways to serve eggs, the cast iron frittata. Boil a few baby potatoes. Cook to slightly before al dente (about 7 min if quartered.)

Put a castiron pan on medium heat with a little avacado oil in the bottom, while your oven’s broiler heats up on a medium to low setting.

Mix 4 eggs in a bowl and pour them into the pan. You should hear a sizzle. start loading in your ingredients: quartterd potatos, tomato wedges, baby spinach leaves, shallotte slices...

#EssentialRecipe => Sunny side up

Try the Jonny Hetherington Essentials Beet Hot Sauce on your favorite breakfast. The earthy flavor is fantastic on eggs and the color contrast is simply beautiful. 


Voila! Essential eggs.